With all credit to the incredible artist, Kamitora, whose painfully hot pictures inspired this story! Mr. Felix Redmond has made his career in the field of domestic service. Unlike a butler, valet or footman, he has a very specific purpose that takes him from house to house. Mr. Redmond serves six households. He spends one day each week with each family, taking Sunday as a day of rest from all his hard work. To understand Mr. Redmond’s job, it may be easiest to examine a few specific days in an average week. Let us begin by looking at what Monday holds in store for Mr. Redmond. On Mondays, our domestic gentlemen spends his day at the home of the Duke of Kent. His most prestigious employer, the Duke is an older gentleman who is kept busy with his responsibilities at the House of Lords, managing his estates and leading the local hunt. With all his obligations, the Duke often doesn’t have time to take care of matters at home. Specifica...
Erotic stories featuring spanking and bdsm